Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): Is It A Suitable Treatment For Osteoarthritis Of The Knees?

Another more localised treatment is platelet-rich plasma therapy, which involves a treatment method wherein the damaged tissue in the body or tissues that require repair are treated using extracted blood from any part of the patient’s body. There are some indications that it may reduce pain that occurs from osteoarthritis, although this information needs further study.

The treatment for knee osteoarthritis is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. The FDA has approved some PRP preparations, some of which are as follows; however, the same cannot be said for approval concerning the use of PRP in knee osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, some clinics may offer PRP “off-label”! The required treatment for PRP will need some time for research, as it is not suitable for use at this time. 

How Does PRP Work?

The process of PRP therapy is based on the fact that the platelets contain growth factors and cytokines that help in tissue repair and regeneration. When injected into the knee joint, PRP is thought to:

  • Stimulate Chondrocyte Activity: Chondrocytes are the primary cells supporting cartilage tissue. At worst, PRP may increase PRP activity to support cartilage regeneration and prevent further tissue deterioration.
  • Reduce Inflammation: PRP can reduce the inflammation that usually occurs in joints, which is an indication of osteoarthritis.
  • Enhance Synovial Fluid: Perhaps PRP could improve the quality of synovial fluid, which provides lubrication to joints, thus reducing friction, pain, and affected joint movement.
  • Promote Angiogenesis: Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, may also enrich the healing process since the circulation of blood in infected tissues will improve.

Clinical Evidence For PRP In Knee Osteoarthritis

There is literature on PRP’s effectiveness on knee osteoarthritis, which needs to be more evidence-based. Here are some essential determinations from recent research:

Outcomes in Regard to Pain And Function

Several researchers have pointed out that IMGs could improve pain-free function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. For example, a survey conducted in the American Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that when a PRP was made and injected into patients, their pain and functionality significantly improved compared to patients who received placebo injections. These bring about less pain and more mobility among the patients, resulting in better living standards.

Duration Of Benefits

The longevity of the treatment gained through PRP therapy may take different time duration. The efficacy of PRP has also been criticised in some scholarly pieces, with its effects possibly lasting from a few months up to a year. For example, an RCT study that was conducted in Arthritis & Rheumatology was able to demonstrate these beneficial effects of PRP in sustaining the overall improvement of the pain and function of the patients even after 12 months of the healing process. However, the durability of the results has yet to be looked into, and the requisite frequency and length of PRP treatment have yet to be established.

Comparison With Other Treatments

In various investigations, the results of PRP therapy are as effective or even superior to traditional treatment methods, such as corticosteroid injection and treatments using hyaluronic acid (HA) injection. According to Facombo and associates, an analysis published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage showed that PRP was more effective than HA, with effect sizes of 0.6, respectively, for pain or function for patients with knee osteoarthritis. However, it must be remembered that treatment decisions should be made based on the condition of the patient and his/her response to treatment.

Benefits Of Knee PRP For Osteoarthritis?

Research suggests this treatment may be an effective alternative for knee osteoarthritis. The following studies are: 

    • A 2022 study of 153 participants found that after a 6-month follow-up, PRP helped improve symptoms of pain and stiffness, mobility and function, and quality of life.
    • A 2021 study of 118 participants found that after an average of 51.7-month follow-up, PRP helped improve symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.
    • A 2017 review found that after 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups, PRP helped reduce pain and improve physical function compared to placebos.

Risks Of Knee PRP For Osteoarthritis?

The AAOS notes that PRP poses no additional risks compared to conventional treatment options for knee osteoarthritis. An injection into the knee joint can have some risks, for example:

  • local infection
  • pain at the site of injection
  • nerve damage, most likely at the site of injection

The 2017 review mentioned above found that some people also experienced:

  • pain
  • stiffness
  • rapid heartbeat
  • fainting
  • dizziness

What Is The Entire Procedure?

A doctor will draw a small amount of blood from your arm. The blood sample is then centrifuged to separate the components and obtain a concentrated suspension of platelets in plasma. The working doctor will numb your knee and inject the PRP into the joint space in the knee. They may use ultrasound to guide the injection pathway.

PRP Recovery Process

After the PRP procedure, it is important to take some precautionary measures. Follow the give instructions below:

  • You should attempt to ice your knee for about twenty minutes every two to three hours, especially in the first seventy-two hours after the injury.
  • Use simple painkillers to ease the pain and reduce the intensity of emitting high-pitched sounds.
  • It is advised to refrain from NSAIDs as they are known to counteract the procedure’s effectiveness of PRP treatment.
  • Rest much and reduce weight bearing on your knee such as walking, running or any other rigorous exercises.


Overall, this new treatment is very effective for most patients. It’s fast-acting and works for patients in need. There has not been much study done on this type of treatment, so putting it out on the market would not be safe. The treatment is different for everyone. However, as the research contradicts, knee PRP for osteoarthritis helps reduce the symptoms and gives ease!

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Tejal Sangani is Harley Street qualified, Brighton based non-surgical cosmetic practitioner. She is a qualified Prescribing Pharmacist with 15 years of experience with excellent clinical skills.

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